Pubnet: Automate Direct Ordering with EDI

For more than 20 years, booksellers and publishers have been saving time and money when they do business electronically through Pubnet, North America’s EDI community.

Pubnet enables booksellers to send their purchase orders electronically, 24/7, reducing the time it takes to process orders while eliminating errors that may occur when orders are placed via email, phone, or fax. By ordering direct from the publisher, booksellers receive a better discount and therefore reduce their cost of goods, while publishers reduce their customer service costs and receive more revenue compared with sales made through third parties.

Pubnet automates the transmission of purchase orders directly from bookseller POS (Point of Sale) systems to the order fulfillment systems of thousands of publishers and their distribution clients. Using a standard set of documents known as EDI (for Electronic Data Interchange), publisher suppliers can automatically send back order acknowledgments, price updates, shipping notifications and invoices to thousands of retailers in an efficient process.

The Result: Booksellers and publishers conduct business faster, more efficiently, and can store the documents related to their orders in a single place.

Contact us to learn how to build your business with Pubnet